miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007

Other interesting website is: http://www.eurunion.org/infores/bestlawsites.htm

Today i'm going to show you 3 english websites related to law:

This website is very helpful, because you can download or read online all the laws of United States of America, but that's not the only thing, you can also search laws of other countries too.
Finally you can also search information about the services of the library and also about the supreme court.

This website is great! Because you can learn and search about all the institucions and bodies of the European Union. You can know how the institucions works, their statutes and many more. I think that if you do an investigation about the EU this website is very good source of information.

This website is about the rights and what means to be an European citizen. I think that this website is helpful to compare the citizenships between other countries or unions.
Is good if you have to do a comparation table between your citizenship rights and the EU citizenship rights.

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2007

The most important day of my life

i don't know if i have a most important day of my life, but i remember that an important day was when i finished the school. Also was a important day when i entered the University.
Another important day was when i get my driver license, i was very scared, but all was great!!!

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2007

Workers Day Weekend

This weekend was a good weekend. Why?
Because on friday i went in the night, with my friends to a Pub, so that was really fun.
Next day, my sister celebrates her birthday, so i stayed at the party until 5 o'clock in the morning.On Sunday i relaxed, because i slept until 2 in the evening, later i get up and went to the mall. In there i bought a T-shirt it is cool.
On monday i went to my girlfriend house and i stayed with her all the day. It was great.
The only bad thing happened on Tuesday, because i had to stydy for a test on Wednesday.

Thats all i can tell you now, have a good week, Bye