miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

"Back to the Future" Review

Last monday was a holiday. I was watching T.V. and suddenly, in Cinecanal I think, I find one of my favourites movies "Back to the Future" immediatly y stop changing the channels and started to watch it.

Starring the movie (and the sequels):

- Michael J. Fox (one of my favourites actors, precisely for this movie) as Marty McFly.

- Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmet Brown.

- Lea Thompson as Lorraine Baines.

- Thomas F. Wilson as Biff Tannen.

The plot of the movie is about time travel. Dr. Brown and Marty are friends, suddenly one night the Dr. called Marty en told to him about meeting in the parking lot of twin pines shopping center. Marty went to the parking lot and there the Dr. shows his last and most important invention: the time machine. The time machine is built with a car, the Delorean.

The machine works with nuclear power, so the Dr. has to get plutonium, to do that the Dr. swindled a terrorist group to get the plutonium. The same night in the parking lot the terrorist found the Dr. and kill him. Marty to escape of the terrorists got into the car (the time mechine) and, by a mistake, he traveled to the past from 1985 to 1955.

In there, Marty meet their parents, when they were in the highschool. The big problem was that his mother fell in love of him instead his father, that make that all the future change even the same existence of Marty was jeopardized, because their parents never meet each other, so their never got married and never had sons.

Marty contacted Dr. Brown in 1955 and explained to him the story about what happen. The Dr. and Marty planed the way to get together again the parents of Marty and the way to travel into the future, because the machine got out of service (because the plutonium ran out and in 1955 it's impossible to get plutonium).

Finally, Marty comes back to the future and their parents got together, but some things had change in the future, because their family now was absolutly different, His brother en sister were the samesand their parents too, but they were differents, because now they were succesful in their lifes, not as in in the past. Also Marty warns The Dr. about the terrorists, so he use a bulletproof vest and seved his life.

I like this movie, because it's very fun too watch it and keeps you excited all the time, because you never know what's going to happen.

In particular I like the scene when Marty played a song in his parents highschool dance, also with that song his parents felt in love and all the future was reestablished.

Here i leave to you the link to watch the scene:


That's all for today, bye.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

My classmates blog's

My assignment, fot today is write about a clasmate blog. This is not an easy thing to do, because i can't decide about which blog i'm going to write about.
Now, after a hard time of thinking I decide to write about Gabriela's blog http://www.guaby-ilike.blogspot.com/.

I think, in a first impression, that it's a very complete blog, because it's has all almost all the assignments that we have to do in this class. Furthermore it isn't boring, because you can read the assignments and know which are the preferences of her.

About the presentation, i like it, because it has a nice and easy way to read it. With that, i say, it doesn't make you tired when you lokk at it. In general i like the background colour and the text colour.
About the blog posts i like the last one about art.
Personally, i don't like very much the picture that she choose, but the description that she made it's very in touch about her feelings about the picture and i find this good.
Also she made a very interesting comment about tje painter, Gustav Klimt, that sis very useful to know more about it.
That's all for today, bye!!!