jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2007

A website I enjoy visiting

The website a enjoy visiting is www.imdb.com (IMDB is an acronym of Internet Movie Data Base); I visit it almost 4 or 5 times for week.
I don't remember how I found this website, but I think it was searching info about a movie in www.google.com and in the search results appears a link to this website and from that time, about 4 or 5 years, a visited it thousand of times.

I like it because it's a very good source to get information about movies and actors. For example if you put in the search bar “the godfather”, the website search all the coincidences with that word in their data base, then you click in the link that you need and shows you all the info about the movie, like director, writers, casting, a little summary of the movie plot, “caps” (photos) of the movie and also opinions of people.

Finally, I recommend this website for anybody who can learn about movies, actors and even T.V. series, because almost all that you can find it in this site.


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