domingo, 17 de junio de 2007

Education essay

What to talk about education?
I don't know very well, but I know that education always is a controvertial theme here in Chile.
In my opinion the education is the most fundamental value to the people en the world. I think, that, with education the world can reaches the peace.
but now talking about the education in Chile I believe that also education is fundamental for our society, because with education we can progress and go forward, with intagration and justice. I also believe that the education, has to be afforded by the state and with the cooperation of the privates, because, thinking the education, as a inversion on human capital has to be also supported by the privates.
The privates support can be achieved by the tax rates and states educationals programmes with the privates cooperation.
In shortly that's what I think about the education, a strongly state intervention (about quality and fairness) and responsibles privates.
Goodbye, good luck in your exams and have a good holidays!!!

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